Friday, August 26, 2011

Creation Booklet Day 3

On the third day God said, "Let there be grass and plants and trees."
Day three page from The creation booklet
green paint
small paintbrush
pre-cut tree trunk
flower stickers or small pom poms

  1. The girls glued the tree trunk that I had already cut for them onto their paper.
  2. The girls glued pom poms on next.  We talked about where flowers grow and whether they are taller or shorter then trees.  I tried to direct the girls to glue their flowers lower then their trees but ultimately allowed them to glue them where they felt they needed them
  3. We talked about where the grass grows.  They painted the grass at the bottom of their picture.  I modeled for them how to dip only the brush part into the paint and how to pull and not push the brush across the paper.
  4. I painted the hand green then they made a green handprint at the top of their tree to represent the green leaves

Kirby's turned out nice!

I had to share this one last photo of my little sensory child.  I snapped it a little too late but she wet her hands then rubbed the green paint all the way up to her elbows.  She sudzed up to her elbows and just rubbed up and down.  Great activity for my sensory seeker!

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